Smart key programming.
Heritage Locksmith is specialized in car locksmiths industry. We are expert and focus in opening locked car doors and creating a new keys from any kind to any vehicle. We specialized with decoding keys, chip keys, programming remotes etc. We can program your smart key whatever car make or model you have.
Trust on the crowd. We have tons of video testimonials on our YouTube channel. Visit our channel and learn more about our professional and honest service we provide the greater Buffalo since 2007.
From the 90′, many vehicles manufacturers started to install electronic systems that synchronized with built-in computers to verify the key holder as the car owner. This device recognize the key immediately when someone insert a key to the ignition even before switch it on, the light theft will blink while non-authorized key is in, and turn off when the owner’s key is in the ignition. Those systems designed to stop hot wiring by burglar or thieve.

In Heritage Locksmith we can duplicate chip key, programming a new one, add key to the system, erase all older keys and replace damaged system and install a new one instead. Our crew is qualified to take care in any situation and fix every problem that you have.
We are fully equipped with the newest tools for auto locksmithing, for Heritage Locksmith it doesn’t matter if you have a transponder keys, high security keys or any other.
If you are locked out of your vehicle, don’t be upset for locking the keys inside the car, there are clients that invite us from time to time. Our team will come to you and will do a quick and professional job to get you back on the road in few minutes. The only thing you need to do is give a call to 716.479.5397 or come to our shop located at: 2711 Main st Buffalo NY 14214 and we will be there for you and open up your car ASAP.