House Locksmith

House locksmith service in Buffalo NY

Life is full of surprises. Some are better, some are worse. Usually, it is difficult to predict what will happened on the next day. Probably, we are waking up in the morning, we are taking the kids to school, of course we need to work, go down for some coffee with friends, go home, play with the kids, sit down with our partner and going to sleep together until the next day. Perfect! But when something goes wrong with our daily routine, it can shock us.
Why am I telling you all this? Because on a daily basis, I meet people that freak out when something goes wrong. It might sound ridiculous but believe me, keys are the story of our lives. I remember the first key I got from my father, I kept it on a chain that was always around my neck.
House keys securing our property and defending our loving ones. People underestimate key security so much, that they don’t pay attention and lose their keys all the time. Continue to read about who needs house locksmith service.

Who needs a house locksmith services?

Lock change service.

When your locks are too old and you want a new locks to be installed, you will need a house locksmith services in order to set up a new lock. That means a professional locksmith is needed to come over to your place, reassemble your old lock in order to install a new one instead.

Rekey services.

In a case that you gave a key to someone you trust up till now, and suddenly you understand that he isn’t the same as before, you will need a rekey service. Rekey means that a locksmith technician should come over to your house, reassemble your locks mechanism in order to change to pins combination. After re-keying all of your locks, you will get a new key for each lock or one for all of them, it is up to you. Rekey saves you a lot of money instead of replacing your old locks with a new ones. Call Keys On Wheels and our house locksmith technician will come to your place in order to rekey your locks.

Residential key duplicate.

Whenever you need keys to be duplicated. Your kid is now going to school, congratulations. You want to give your key to a friend or roommate, no problem. Duplicate keys is the most typically locksmith job. There are a lot of house key types, the famous among them are the Kwikset 1 and Schlage 1, but actually there is a thousands key holes profiles, key length, thickness and other things that make the differences between each key. In order to duplicate a key, the locksmith should recognize the type, find out the code and only then duplicate an exact similar key. That what key duplication is all about.

House lockout services.

When you are locked out of your own house, because someone slammed the door or you lost your key. Well, in order to get in the house you will not break the door, right? So you needing a professional house locksmith in order to open your door with no damage to your lock or door paint. Call out and locked out, Keys On Wheels house locksmith services are able to deal with any door or lock. Call 716.479.5397 and get a free quote. Lockout yourself!

Broken key extraction.

House locksmith services in Buffalo NY
A House Locksmith service by Heritage Locksmith.

In a case your key is broken inside the lock, and there is no other way to pull back, an assistance of professional locksmith is needed. I order to make a good broken key extraction the locksmith uses a special tools and experience. Keys On Wheels do broken key extraction on a daily basis. Call 716.479.5397 and get rid of your broken key immediately.

Read more about our broken key extraction service.

Safe services.

A safe meant to hold our secrets, money, weapon, database etc. When a safe isn’t working anymore it’s the time to repair or install a new safe instead. Keys On Wheels holds new safes in stock and also we offer used safes as well. In addition to that, we offer safe lockout, change safe combination, installing a safe and more. Stay on the safe side and call Keys On Wheels 716.479.5397 for more information about our safe services.

CCTV systems.

CCTV System (AKA surveillance camera) system in Buffalo NY | House Locksmith
CCTV System – Design, sold and installed. Service in greater Buffalo NY.

CCTV systems known as Surveillance camera system or as a closed circuit TV. These system installed typically on a private or a public areas. The system allow the owner to track and record the passers-by. The cameras are used to deter and if necessary they recording any attempt to crime or evil. The owner easily can pull out any video and send it to the police, that video will be used as an evidence.

Read more about our CCTV system design, sold and installed.

Various house locksmith services.

Keys On Wheels offers a lot more of house locksmith services in greater Buffalo NY. Among all I have written above we also offer: Door knob services, create master key system, dead bolt service, gate locks repair and install, house key less entry solutions, padlocks services, lever tumbler lock service, accessories and much more.

About Keys On Wheels – Mobile locksmith services in greater Buffalo NY.

Keys On Wheels powered by Heritage Locksmith. Heritage Locksmith is our storefront located on 2711 Main St Buffalo NY. Keys On Wheels is our mobile locksmith vehicles. Our vehicles fully fitted with the top notch tools for all locksmith job to be done.

We serving Buffalo NY since 2007, with a professional locksmith services and fair prices. Our prices are 10-50% off of our competitors around.