Master Key System
What create a master key system service means? A lot!
Hi fellows, today I will try to explain what is a master key system and how it’s working.
I have started to work at Heritage Locksmith a year and a half ago, back then I didn’t know anything about keys generally, not to mention master key systems.
The first thing you need to know is that a master key isn’t a special key that open every door. Actually, the master key system can be implemented for almost any kind of standard key or high security key. After you decide which key to use, all the locks under this master key system must use the same key profile. For example, in a case you decide to implement the master key system on a KW1 (Kwikset) key or an AR1 (Arrow) key, all the locks under the system should match that key. Even when you need to add additional locks, it will work only on the same key as the system is built on.
The differences between standard key and a muster key.
In order to create a master key system a locksmith professional need to create “coding system”.
Before I’ll explain what this coding system is, let me explain something about keys.
Standard locks (With on master key) contain two pins. The top pins are the default pins, you will find those in any lock mechanism.
Below the top pins, there are the bottom pins. The bottom pins have different lengths, each manufacturer has its own measurement to match his requirements.
So when a locksmith cuts a key with the code 54213, it means that the first cut (closer to the key bow) will be at a depth of 5 (sometimes it’s .240″ – .260″, demands by the manufacturer).
When you insert a proper key to the cylinder, all the pins should straight up with the “shear line” (Take a look at the illustration below).

In a case you have inserted wrong key, the bottom pins or the top pins will block you and will not allow rotating the cylinder inside. (Take a look at the illustration below).

A master key system requires additional pins, these pins will be located between the top pins and the bottom pins, they called “Master Pins”. The locksmith can decide depends on the coding system, if he need to put one master pin in each lock up to five master pins one cylinder.
The master pins allow the locksmith professional make numerous variations of keys that built in hierarchy. (Take a look at the illustration below).

Keys On Wheels create master key system service
Keys On Wheels professional technicians manage few master key systems for landlords and management companies.
Our services are professional & honest. Take a look at our Video Page in order to watch video testimonials regarding our services.
We also take care for the rekeying the locks, install and replace combinations in a case where one residence left the house, and you want to make sure he didn’t copy the key and attending to enter into the house again.
Call today 716.479.5397 in order to get a quote for master key system.
Learn more about Charles Francis Haanel the master key system developer on Wikipedia. Clike Here!
Learn more about our services in the greater Buffalo, NY. Click Here!
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