Vehicle Locksmith in Buffalo N.Y.
What to expect from a vehicle locksmith technician to know.
The vehicle Locksmith technician should have a lot of knowledge about car makers, year and models on top of all the necessary standard locksmith knowledge.
Back at the old 90′ and earlier, any locksmith could duplicate a key for any car. Back then car remotes looked like a part of a Star Trek episode and a chip key sounds like a cheap key.

Vehicle Locksmith nowadays
Well, unless you came out from nowhere you probably know that these times are gone.
From the early 90′, car locks industries made a major step ahead in order to provide us more safety and unbreakable locks in order to prevent theft.
Today, car locks synchronize with the car computer and have the ability to recognize their owners from far. On an advanced system you don’t even need to insert any key to your ignition lock, the car feels you. Star Trek indeed!
Vehicles Locksmith in 2015 should know how to program the keys to match the car computer. They should know how to program the remote to work with your car only.
If you think vehicle manufacturers are helping or make it easier with global standards, think again!

Keys On Wheels vehicle locksmith services
Not only that each manufacturer uses different blades or remotes for each model, you can find out that sometimes the same car maker in the same year at particular model is using different remotes or keys.
Important! Our vehicle locksmith prices are 10-50% off of any car dealership or other locksmith services around Buffalo, NY. Our services are the most trust able among others, take a look at our video page and watch our customers video testimonial.
Nevertheless, Keys On Wheels technicians are skilled to be able dealing with any kind of a car maker, year or model.
Our vehicle locksmith crew can cut and program a key to any car, domestic or foreign, Chevrolet or Toyota, Pontiac or Porsche.
Among our services you will find:
- Vehicle lockout.
- Vehicle computer re-flash.
- Vehicle remotes programming.
- Broken key to be extracted.
- Vehicle ignition lock repair.
- Vehicle ignition lock to be installed.
- Cloning keys.
- Duplicating keys.
- Key replacement.
- Pickup lock out.
- High security cutting and programming.
- Laser cutting.
- Chip keys and transponder key to be cut and program.
Learn more about our services – Click here.
Read an interesting Wikipedia article regard the evolution of car remotes – click here.