Video Gallery.

Video is the 2015 word-of-mouth


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Hi, welcome to our video gallery page. Here we will share videos for those who wish to expend their knowledge about locksmith tech. In addition there are video testimonials from our customers. A video testimonial is the 2015 way to get a word-of-mouth reviews. Check out our customers written testimonials on Heritage Locksmith website, On our Google Plus page or on our Yelp reviews. This video gallery is updating on a weekly basis, so stay tuned and keep your safety with Keys On Wheels video gallery. Like it? Share it!

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Service is above all!!

Sunday we’re close. Buy even if we stopped by mistake, we will still be glad to serve a customer. This customer is a 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix owner. Some locksmith charged him $110 for nothing, and it didn’t work yet. He passed by our storefront and see our mobile locksmith vehicle “Keys On Wheels”. He drop by and asked our help. Even though we were closed we couldn’t refuse. We fixed his remote and give the guy 20% off of other locksmith around quote him. This is an honest locksmith service – It’s Heritage Locksmith.


A good locksmith service start with honesty

Two month ago, a customer called and ask us to create a new key for his car after he lost all his keys. It was a little bit rush near Buffalo police station, and we do cut and program the proper key for him. It worked inside the ignition lock, buy after awhile he noticed that the key doesn’t work at the door lock. He just come over to our storefront, we fixed the door lock and gave a free key. Watch this video testimonial. Keys On Wheels – A locksmith service you can trust on!


A Customer save $225 at Heritage Locksmith.

A customer broke by mistake her expensive remote. She ask for an estimate from few other locksmith services that offer her to replace it with a new remote for $225. As she came over our storefront, we fixed that remote for less than $10. She was so happy and let us to record a short video testimonial. Keys On Wheels – An honest locksmith service!


Car key duplication – A real key out of plastic.

A client called after he lost all his keys to his 1996 Saturn SL. He had a plastic key cut like the real one. He needed to make a new real metal key. No problem! After 5 minutes the client left with a real key. Watch this video testimonial about our car key duplication services.


Take me back to my boat on the river.

Well, everybody agrees that Eli from “Keys On Wheels” is the cream of the crop locksmith technician in Buffalo NY. 🙂 If you are not familiar with Eli the locksmith from Keys On Wheels, you better watch this video testimonial.

The men have a boat for many years. His problem was that he lost all his keys. So he didn’t have access to the ignition and the glove box. After a long research to get a locksmith service to fix his problem, he called Heritage Locksmith. Because he doesn’t live in Buffalo, NY he needed a tow services to bring his boat to the Heritage Locksmith parking lot. Listen to what he said about our services.


Remote Head Key – Cutting & Programming.

Remote Head Key is a remote and a blade built in. This customer owns 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee, she had only single key and needed additional RHK. She purchased a new RHK online. While other locksmiths refused to deal with online products or asked for a price that turns the online order to be unprofitable choice. Watch what she want to tell you guys.Click to find out more about our car locksmith services.


Key replacement services.

In this case a client broke her single copy she had for her 2002 Cadillac Escalade. Other locksmiths around quote her for at least $90, watch and listen to what she said when the job got done. Click to find out more about our key duplication services.


Rekey Services.

A customer needed to change his front door lock combination what’s called in Locksmiths language “Reykey” service. He waited for 10 min and was good to go. Watch & listen to what our customer is telling about our re key service. Click to find out more about our residential locksmith services.


Motorcycle Locksmith.

This customer needed a new key to his motorcycle, after he lost all his keys. He came to our storefront located on 2711 Main St Buffalo NY and our techs created a new key on the spot. Watch what he tells about our services. Click to learn more about our Motorcycle Locksmith services.


Car Remote.

This customer had a broken remote. Other locksmith services around offered him to buy a new remote for $200 + Tax. We offered him to try and fix the remote before replacing that with a new one. Notice: We offered the customer $150 + Tax for new remote, in a case we will not be able to get the remote to be repaired. Watch what our customer telling about our service. Click to find out more about our car remote services.


Like My Bike.

Another customer got stuck without any key to his motorcycle. After searching around in order to find a locksmith to cut a new key instead of other locksmiths offer to replace his ignition and installing a new ignition, which will cost a lot more than cutting a new key. Finally he towed his bike to our store and paid $60 + Tax to get a new key. See what he said about our service.


What is a transponder key?

What are the differences between simple key, smart key, chip key or transponder key? Is there any difference at all? All that and more you can learn in “transponder key” article. We added a video as a study reference to help you understand. Watch the video and learn.


Broken Key Extraction in Buffalo, NY.

Broken key to be extracted is something we dealing on a daily basis. Our technicians are skilled and qualified to extract the key from a car door lock, ignition lock or any other lock, with no damaged to the lock or car paint. Watch this video of broken key extraction in action. Click here to learn more about our Broken key extraction.